Mohammad Shokouh-Amiri, MD, Pathologist


I left Iran after graduating from high school, moved to Denmark, and started a civil engineering study, but after 2 years, changed the course to Medicine, and entered the Copenhagen University. Completed my MD and my trainings there, then I moved to the US, where I started with Post. Doc research and then entered the Pathology residency in Memphis, TN. After completing some fellowships, I am now working as the Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University.

I have also spent part of my life and time for the humanitarian and organizational activities for Iran and Iranians and other places in need.
As an active member of the Iranian American Medical Association (IAMA) for more than 17 years in many different leading positions, I was the coordinator for helps in almost all the humanitarian projects of IAMA since 2008, particularly in all the natural disaster situations in the past 10 years, such as the earthquakes in Kermanshah, flash flood in Shiraz, Covid-19 pandemic, and many more smaller projects.
The last one, sending 3 scanners for the largest and most active transplant center in Iran, namely, Abu Ali Sina transplant Center in Shiraz.

Now we are going to start a new chapter in our humanitarian, scientific and organizational activities with this newly stablished association (PAMA), and it is an honer to be one of the founders of this association.